Saturday, January 24, 2009


Publish Post

Mommas Gone Mad has seemed to tag me for a meme. This is a first. We'll see how I do!

Those are the directions below. I'm with MGM and I'm going to have to go to my pictures directory and take it from there!
  1. Go to your documents (pictures)
  2. Go to your 6th file.
  3. Go to your 6th picture.
  4. Blog about it.
  5. Tag 6 friends to do the same.
  6. I'm not quite sure about this tagging thing! If you want to play along, let me know!

The photo is from New Years Eve. (Thank goodness, you never know what you're going to get!) This would be Nyssa enjoying her first cookie! (Don't tell :) She went to town on this baby. We were at the hotel hanging out in the lobby playing games. Nyssa had her baby food first then Aunt Lori came on over and gave her a cookie. She was such a good girl that night! I don't think I ever did put up pictures from that night!


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