Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Here we go again...

the last two nights Nyssa has been fighting another stupid cold. I think it's a cold anyway. Sunday night was awful. She was up crying (the kind of cry where you know she isn't going to put herself back to sleep because she is too hysterical cry) from 12:30 am to 2:20 am. We had no idea what was going on, so we gave her a bottle. It worked, I guess. She was back in her crib by 1 am sleeping...at least long enough for Mommy to fall back to sleep. Daddy was up with her for an hour before she got too hysterical and woke up Mommy again. It was very sad. I got tired of wrestling with her around 2 am. (She thinks it is fun to throw her head back and do a back bend while on your lap or in your arms!) I put her in the crib and she fell asleep at 2:20, and slept until about I don't remember when. It was maybe 7 or so. She was mighty clingy yesterday and continued to sleep crappy through naps and all. She got a little Motrin before bed....

and it didn't do much good. She was up doing that hysterical cry again at 10:15 pm. At least I figured out that I could rock her to calm her down. I think when she gets herself that hysterical with crying that when she tried to take the pluggie it pops back out when she was trying to breathe through her nose. I think I was up with her a total of 4 time before I had Chuck put the futon mattress on the floor. Nyssa and I slept there for the rest of the night. She woke up at 7:20 this morning. She was up off and on through the night. I don't know what's going on with her right now, but this is killin' me. Momma needs some sleep. I would be more than happy to let her cry this out at night if I knew she felt okay. Susie thought it could be another little virus too. Super. She did feel a little warm yesterday and she had an 'exploding poop'. She rarely has those any more. The clingy thing gives her away too, she's not usually a clingy baby. She's got things to do, things to see, she doesn't want to be held!

She seems to be in a good mood this morning, so maybe the worst is past?! Who knows. I'm ready for Spring.

The big girl car seat is going well. It's kind of a pain with the cold weather and all. It was just so easy to throw a blanket on her in the infant seat and then throw one over the whole seat to keep the wind off of her. I still try to put the quilt over her when we are going to and from the car. Sometimes it's okay with her, and sometimes it's not! It just depends on her mood! Go figure!

Okay, I have a girl who just crawled into the kitchen on her own. My are we adventurous these days!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Big Girl

Okay. Momma's a little sad. I just switched out the infant seat for the "big girl" car seat. I'm sad, but I'm not. If that makes any sense. It's SO the logical thing to do since her little feet are hanging off the edge. Really? I don't take her in any stores or anything in her infant seat any more. She's too doggone heavy! The only lifting of the infant seat I do is from the car to the snap n go, going to and from the apartment. At work, I unbuckle her and take her inside. Hmm. I was just hoping we could avoid this until March. You know? When the weather is supposedly 'nicer'? (I crack myself up!) She loves riding in the green stroller (forward facing). After all she is my daughter and LOVES to see what's going on around her these days. The next post I'll be so happy that she's transitioned, it will be so much easier getting her in and out of the seat! It's just kind of strange is all.

To prove my point that she is growing...yesterday my little girl? Yeah. She let go when she was standing! She stood there for about 5 seconds, and slapped her hand on my arm. Then I got this big cheesy grin. She's been doing it all day, for longer periods of time. She gets that "Do you see me? Do you see me? Momma. Look" grin going on. She cracks me up.

We are officially heading back to Iowa at the end of March. Right now we are going to head back on Saturday, March 28th and play it by ear for the week. Chuck and I are both off that week. We don't know if we'll hang there the whole time or head back here and take a couple of days to relax! Who knows! What I do know is that Nyssa is huge now and will be even bigger then! I can't wait for everyone to see her again. Nyssa hasn't made an appearance in Iowa since she was 4 weeks old!

Hopefully my denial of Nyssa needing the big girl seat will be gone soon! LOL. I know I'll love it! We'll see how the little Princess does when the sun is in her eyes now! Whoa boy. The screaming that she has discovered she can do, she will be doing in full force! Sometimes Mommy cracks the window to share with the other people sitting at the traffic light!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

These were actually taken yesterday at work. She had to dress up for Zachary! The outfit is courtesy Uncle Jeff & Auntie Ann! I had to get a shot of the heart on the tush. It's all I see of her now, since she crawling away from me most of the time!

Happy Valentine's Day!

8 Months Old!

Getting nudie to get dressed! Chuck barely got this picture before she was pulling the onesis off of her head. Hats are going to be interesting this summer.

We finally got the corner things to protect her melon, because you know she's going to crack her head on one eventually. Naturally, she had to taste it to make sure it tasted okay!

She also likes to taste the end table. (Seriously. We do feed her...a lot!)

I like this picture because it shows off her 2 chompers so well!

She started making this face this week. When she gets really excited is usually when it comes out. Most of the time she sees something that she wants and starts crawling for it when we see this face!

There you have Miss Nyss at 8 months old! Mommy finally got the gate out for our hallway in the apartment. We have a night light that glows orange in the hallway, and of course she makes a bee line for it! After pulling her away from it 4 times today, Mommy got it out.

Our next doctor appointment will be for her 9 month check up next month. I can't wait to see how big she is now. I took the cover off of the car seat the other day when it was beautiful outside. Her little feet are almost to the end of it! It makes me kind of sad. I think we are going to see if we can get through February with her still in the infant seat before putting her in a 'big girl car seat' rear facing. (Since we got a little more snow last night, I'm okay with it for now.) She loves riding in the regular stroller, so that won't be a problem. It's just going to be interesting if she's sleeping! She's been waking up when I've put the infant seat on the snap n go, so it may be time! Okay, now that I have re-read that, I'm the problem. I'm in denial!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Photo of the week.

This photo probably makes me a bad Mommy, but come on it's damn cute! Look at her smiling all cheesy. Geez I love her. She helped Daddy put his beer (quality beer at that ;) away. She was just so excited to be in the fridge she didn't know what to do first. Mommy usually tries to be quick in the fridge knowing that I'm going to hear those little hands slapping on the floor trying to speed crawl to 'help.' That's my girl, she's got Wilson in her, I don't care what any one says!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Christmas with my side

1-31-09 Gramma Jude was holding Nyssa. Julia looked at me and said, "I wanna be by Nyssa too." I told her, "Climb up there, Gramma has 2 legs." Next thing we knew Cam the Ham snuck in there for the picture too!

1-31-09 The little ones waiting for opening time! I think Cam was trying to be sneaky and open a gift here! We all know he looks at the camera otherwise!

1-31-09 I have no idea where this was taken. In the hotel somewhere, I just can remember! Cam is obviously on his way to the floor!

1-31-09 Nyssa loves her some shoe strings!

1-31-09 The oldest cousin and the youngest cousin!

1-14-09 & 1-18-09 Photos!

1-14-09 This was at bedtime. Actually I think I was changing her diaper because I've got a shot of her nudie little tushy as she rolled over on the changing table. Changing her diaper has become like trying to wrestle and alligator!

1-18-09 This is one of Nyssa's favorite games. It doesn't matter if she's sitting on your lap or if you are standing with her in your arms. If she feels the need to lean back, she will. I love the way they are looking at each other in the picture.

1-18-09 Before the lean!

1-18-09 Daddy's arms finally got tired after a few minutes so he just laid her on the bean! She thought it was nice at first. I didn't post the next picture of her screaming!

1-6-09 & 1-10-09 Photos

1-10-09 I love this picture. We were waiting to go in to Zachary birthday party. It was snowing that day (it was when it snowed for about 9 days straight), Cameron wanted his window down. The next thing we knew they were catching the snow flakes. There are some other silly ones where Cam is being a ham, but this is my favorite!

1-10-09 Cam & Julia started opening their gifts from Great Aunt Nancy and Great Uncle Kenny. He's such a good kid. "Car" is one of favorite words, you can actually understand it too!

1-10-09 'Nuff said.

1-10-09 Same goes here. I love there excitement while the other is opening gifts!

1-10-09 Julia says, "I got another game! Can we play? I don't know how, do you?" Seriously all in one breath those sentences came out. She loves to play games. Thank goodness Jacquie does too!

Pics from 1-1-09 thru 1-4-09

1-4-09 I put these on here in the wrong order. The one above is after she opened the chicken car from Great Aunt Nancy and Great Uncle Kenny. Obviously, she's not a big fan of it yet! That thing 'bocks' louder than any toy I've ever heard! Scares the living daylights of her, yes it's good for a laugh!

1-4-09 This is the dreaded chicken car. I busted it out last night and she just glared at it, she didn't cry this time. Maybe we're getting over the scary chicken car!

1-4-09 This is the day she crawled for the first time. She would only crawl a little bit at a time, it was great. She's figured it out since then, little stinker! I was hoping that crawl a couple of times thing and think that was enough!

1/1/09 This one should be last. Go read the next one and come back....after she fell. (It didn't hurt either, she landed on carpet and Daddy caught her as well.) We get this look a lot. But usually after she lands on her butt from trying to let of something to jump.

1-1-09 She held on to the coffee table for about a minute. I caught it just after her left hand come down. She has this look of disgust and shock that I would just stand there and watch her slip. It was funny.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's been a while!

I can't believe it's been this long since I've sat down here! I'm sure I'll forget a ton, but I'll give it a whirl! I wish getting pictures on here wasn't such a pain! If I don't get them up this post I'll try tomorrow (I know, you've all heard that before!)

Well, Nyssa has got the crawling thing down pat. She is all over the place. Sassy about it too. She also pulls herself on everything and sometimes nothing. She has started just using the wall. She will also go from the bean (foot stool) to the entertainment center to the thing that we have the printer on. Ah crap, does this mean she is starting to cruise? LOL. How's that for denial!

We've had the entertainment center blocked off with the bean and one of her toy basket things. A couple of weeks ago she saw an opening under the table and crawled right under. She was quite proud of herself when she stood up at the entertainment center and yelled at me!

She's such a good baby. Nyssa has the best personality. She usually a happy girl. Those two teeth are pretty visible at this point. I love it. Sharp little suckers. Mommy's knuckle is one of her favorite things to chew on too!

Nyssa has had all the baby food (I think...until I'm at the store and see another one she hasn't had!). She's not so big on green beans and turkey, but if that's the only one, I'm okay with that! We have been trying to introduce more table food. She loved pancakes the other day, she's had some fries, she had bites of green beans (canned because they were softer), and of course banana. She had the Cheerio's and puffs. Which are so a rip off. We will finish up what I bought on sale and stick with Cheerio*s, Kix and stuff of that nature!

A couple of weeks ago we had a sick baby on our hands. She was up in the middle of the night burning up with a fever and just all around uncomfortable. The only thing that worked was being on Momma in the recliner. She'd sleep in bed about an hour and wake up screaming her little head off. It was awful. I was going in to work late that morning (thank god), and when I got there I asked Susie which office she was going to be in that day because we needed to come in. She checked her out right then and there. (Benefit of nanny for your doctor!) Her chest, nose and ears were clean. (I'm paranoid about ear infections after having them all the time when I was little.) Her throat looked a little red. Susie thought she was coming down with a bad cold. She said we'd watch her and see what happens. Momma gave her Tylenol and Motrin (at night). She did okay for the next few days and finally got back to the old Nyss. It was very icky and we are soooo ready for spring!

I think that is pretty much it for the last month. I've got another post to put about meeting my family in Davenport last weekend, along with some photos I'll put here. Some Julia and Cameron stories to go along with that trip! We are having Chuck's family come over this evening for the January birthdays. Cameron and or nephew Reese's birthday were then. This is probably the only time we can have it without pushing it off until April! I've got to get some stuff put away and make some coffee. No wonder I'm sitting here yawning!

One more Nyssa thing; I went in to get her out of bed yesterday morning. Guess who was standing up look at me with a big grin behind her pacifier! Little Miss Nyss! So proud of herself. She's been standing in there for the last week, how else would her music start to play if she wasn't standing?? Now when I go in there she's facing the correct way and just watching the door. I really really love her!