Seriously, when is this cold business going to go away? Enough already! She started getting a little runny nose last weekend, and a couple of days ago decided a little cough to go with it would be good. For real. I could feel it a little more in her chest this morning. She's napping now, so hopefully all this sleep will be good for her. She was up at 7:15 this morning, Mommy turned the monitor down and the next thing I knew it was 9:15 and she was still sleeping! She never cried this morning. I was up at 9:30, and she finally started talking again at 9:45. We are in for a messed up day, but as long as she gets some sleep...hopefully it will help.
In other Nyssa news...those two top teeth have yet to make an appearance. I need to start putting bibs on her again because she gets this wet ring on her chest from all her drooling!
We had a good time seeing all the Wilson's last weekend. It's crazy to see some of my cousin's kids because they are all so big! Yikes. I'm not looking forward to those years! At least we have walking, talking and potty training to get through first!! Nyssa and Tayven had a good time with each other. Nyssa used Tayven to stand up. One second she was checking out his hair and the next thing I knew she was standing up with the help of his back. By the time I figure out what she was doing she had his head shoved down almost to the floor! Little stinker. We are heading back to Iowa a week from today, and we are looking forward to them getting some more time to play!
Chuck is off today, he went down to hang out with Julia and Cameron for a few hours. With Nyssa having a cold we didn't want to chance Nyssa passing it to them or them passing something else to her! Miss Julia started preschool this week! She loves it a lot. I was ready to hear that she didn't want Mommy to leave her there by herself. This is her first experience with anything of the sort. Tuesday and Thursday both went well. She did awesome Danielle said. I guess Thursday she cried when she saw Danielle at pick up because she didn't want to leave! She's such a big girl now. She has needed something like this for quite some time. I'm so proud of her! Cameron. He's good. I was pissed the other day because Danielle took Julia to school and didn't bring Cameron with her! He's a little character! I think he and Nyssa are going to be our challenging ones!
I think it's time to start disinfecting the toys to see if it helps us get rid of this stupid cold that we keep passing around! If you are in Iowa and are reading this we hope to see everyone in a week! Thanks for reading!
1 comment:
She is so cute ! Love the suit!
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