Saturday, September 6, 2008

New things!

Man it's been a while since I've been on here. Sorry about that, I'll try and do better!

The most exciting thing that Nyssa has been doing is...sleeping through the night! Can I get a woot wooooot!! It happened by accident too, that's the best part! On Wednesday August 26th I put her to with the night bottles waiting by the recliner. She woke up at about 2:45, I was so tired I knew there was no way I could feed her and not fall asleep. So I put the passie in her mouth and fell onto the futon in her room, because I figured I'd have to get up eventually. Then she was up at 3, I still wasn't ready so I plugged her again. Next thing I knew it was 7:30! Our pediatrician had said to give her the passie instead of feeding her every time (which we have been doing since she was 6 weeks old) and eventually she will figure it out. It's freaking AWESOME. Nyssa still does better when she is swaddled. I use the Miracle Blanket. It rocks. She still wakes up 1 maybe 2 times a night for us to plug her up again. That is way better than doing a feeding that takes 30 minutes and then I have to fall back to sleep. I love her. I really do. I like to squeeze her sometimes (then she gives me a half giggle because squeezing her by her armpits).

We get the big kids tomorrow, so I'm sure I'll have some pictures to post. Nyssa and I are heading downtown to babysit Piper. I haven't seen her (or her Mom & Dad) since I left for maternity! I'm so excited. Although the drive makes me a little nervous.

I better get the sleeping baby up and fed and dressed before we head out on our adventure!

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