Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Big Girl

Okay. Momma's a little sad. I just switched out the infant seat for the "big girl" car seat. I'm sad, but I'm not. If that makes any sense. It's SO the logical thing to do since her little feet are hanging off the edge. Really? I don't take her in any stores or anything in her infant seat any more. She's too doggone heavy! The only lifting of the infant seat I do is from the car to the snap n go, going to and from the apartment. At work, I unbuckle her and take her inside. Hmm. I was just hoping we could avoid this until March. You know? When the weather is supposedly 'nicer'? (I crack myself up!) She loves riding in the green stroller (forward facing). After all she is my daughter and LOVES to see what's going on around her these days. The next post I'll be so happy that she's transitioned, it will be so much easier getting her in and out of the seat! It's just kind of strange is all.

To prove my point that she is growing...yesterday my little girl? Yeah. She let go when she was standing! She stood there for about 5 seconds, and slapped her hand on my arm. Then I got this big cheesy grin. She's been doing it all day, for longer periods of time. She gets that "Do you see me? Do you see me? Momma. Look" grin going on. She cracks me up.

We are officially heading back to Iowa at the end of March. Right now we are going to head back on Saturday, March 28th and play it by ear for the week. Chuck and I are both off that week. We don't know if we'll hang there the whole time or head back here and take a couple of days to relax! Who knows! What I do know is that Nyssa is huge now and will be even bigger then! I can't wait for everyone to see her again. Nyssa hasn't made an appearance in Iowa since she was 4 weeks old!

Hopefully my denial of Nyssa needing the big girl seat will be gone soon! LOL. I know I'll love it! We'll see how the little Princess does when the sun is in her eyes now! Whoa boy. The screaming that she has discovered she can do, she will be doing in full force! Sometimes Mommy cracks the window to share with the other people sitting at the traffic light!

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