Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Another tooth!

So Sunday Nyssa was having a rough day. Nyssa doesn't normally have rough days. At least rough enough for me to notice that it's a rough day. About the 3rd time she started sobbing/screaming (one of our new favorite things to do) for no apparent reason, Momma (smartie that she is) finally tooth opportunity to look in her mouth. What did I see? That second tooth trying to poke through! I have yet to get a picture of the teeth! The first one is really making it's way up now. She loves to chew on Momma's finger!! Ow!

She's crackin' me up these days. This morning she decided to pull herself up to the coffee table again. I snapped a picture with my cell phone. Moved her away and she found her way back! Then I got the camera out and just started shooting. She's really become a ham with the camera! Chuck and I have caught her crawling about 2 hand/knee movements and that's it. It's so just a matter of time!

I went in to check on the little stinker last night? Yup. She was sitting up in bed! She was looking away from the door, so I grabbed Chuck to come in and look. She just looked at us like, "What are you guys doing in here?" She was just sitting there with a pluggie in her mouth while holding onto another one!

Our internet is incredibly slow today, so maybe later or another day I'll get pictures posted of Nyssa & Daddy in their Bears shirts!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Photos

Hello! We hope everyone had a great Christmas! I know the Samples children made out like bandits! We picked up Julia & Cameron from their Mom's at 1pm and then we headed to Chuck's brothers. Which is about 10 minutes from the kids. We had turkey and all the fixin's! Of course all the kids (The oldest is 6, the youngest is Nyssa at 6 months. There's a photo on here some where.) Nyssa even got to try out baby food green beans with turkey! Naturally, she loves it! So far she has yet to turn her head to anything food wise. They all had a good time! Julia opened her presents, looked at me and said, "Are these for me too?" They were Nyssa's. I told her, "They are Nyssa's but she would love some help!" That made her very happy!
Nyssa and I have been hanging out a lot. This week flew by. I'm so not ready to go back to work! Especially since my little butterfly has been sleeping until about 8 every morning!
We didn't do much of anything today. We did get the laundry done. Which I guess is something. We had to wash Nyssa's new p.j.'s & new outfit! Julia got a cute sweats outfit as well! Cameron got trucks and cars. He was in heaven!

We went to visit friends yesterday. We were there last weekend and Courtney (who's 15) had to leave for volley ball. I told her Nyssa and I would come back Friday. We did. The next thing I knew Courtney was trying to teach Nyssa to crawl! She was saying, "Come on Nyssa. Like this." Then you'd see Court crawling across the floor! I told her to STOP because she isn't allowed to crawl until we get the tree down! That's Daddy's job on New Years Day! Nyssa did pick up on how to go from her tummy or hands and knees to sitting! She loves to pull herself up to her knees now if she has something to grab on to! Momma still doesn't like it very much!

Her little tooth is making it's way up. It kills me. She is a drooling fool. At least the spitting up isn't nearly as bad as it used to be! Now she's just all soaked from drool!

Another thing she has started is trying to pat-a-cake! She ends up slapping the backs of her hands! It's so funny. I caught her doing it while I was changing our 3rd poop of the day!
It's back to work on Monday. At least we are off on Thursday. I'm not quite sure what I'm working on Wednesday yet. Hopefully not too long. We are getting together with a bunch of people that we have game night with at a hotel. Lori (my old roommate) was able to get us hotel rooms at very reasonable rate of $25 a night! It's even a Courtyard Marriott! Lori has the hook up! The Samples Family wishes everyone a safe and healthy new year!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Aunt Dorena & Christina & Tayven gave Nyssa this onesis at her shower in July. It's a 12 month. I think it runs small!

Sporting her sassy robe!

Her first time with Cheerios. By the look on her face? She's not diggin' it so much! At one point she launched that baby onto her tray! It was pretty funny. If I could ever figure out how to put video up here we've got some good footage of the Cheerio action.

After lunch yesterday we gave her this thing with a banana inside. At first she was totally into it, then all of a sudden she started squawking at me. Every time she'd get a little banana she would wince!

The Samples family wants to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! We are hanging out at home this morning and will go to Chuck's brothers house at about 1pm. We'll grab the big kids along the way! (Nyssa hasn't even gotten to open her presents from the big guy yet! Daddy is still snoozing. I emailed Santa and told him that Nyssa needed this year is some more pacifier's. By the looks of the packages I think he agreed! Santa usually leaves something little for the big kids as well. They never end up at our apartment on Christmas because we go to Chuck's family then we are either picking them up or dropping them off at something for Danielle's family. Lucky. I know. We are enjoying it while we can.)

Nyssa is doing fabulous! I was feeling around in her mouth last night and what did I find?? That 1st tooth poking through! It was just a corner too! (Although this morning I think I could feel the top of the whole tooth. She's so going to bite me for stickin' my finger in there. :) So cute. I can't take it. I figured she was teething because she's been drooling like a mad woman. Maybe that explains why the kid has been having 3 - 5 poops a day the last few days? She also had her first diaper rash. It was pretty bad, she would cry when I'd wipe her tushy and put on the butt cream. She's all better now. So far she hasn't really gotten fussy or anything out of the normal for a 6 month old!
The photo's above are all from yesterday. She's still rocking on her hands and knees. Now she likes to mix it up and throw her right hand forward. Sometimes she do the left hand also. She usually belly dives onto the floor after either/both hands! Just let me get the tree down first! We are good to go with gates!
That's about it for now! I'm not sure if I'll get back tonight with Christmas Day pictures or possibly tomorrow! I know we have 2 sets of back up batteries for the camera! I can't wait to talk to Julia and see what Santa brought her at Mommy's house!

Merry Christmas everyone!
***I did get the Christmas Cards put in a mailbox yesterday! So hopefully everyone will get them this weekend or Monday!

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Holy cow. I'd say winter has arrived. I'm already annoyed with this snow stuff and to add below zero temps? Right now it's minus 6 with a high of 4 degrees today! It does not make for a happy Momma! If it weren't for the big kids out here we'd be south, for sure!

The lovely snow fall we got over night Thursday and in the morning on Friday resulted in Nyss and I not having to go in to work! They were leaving for Colorado that day anyway, so it worked out. Everyone had enough notice that this was coming so Susie stayed after work and did the work she usually does on Friday mornings. Their flight was leaving at 2ish from Midway. Next on the list is to email them and see how they made it out there! I also need to email Zachary pictures of Nyssa because he "won't see her for 8 days." I think most of the week he spent kissing her and hugging her all the time! It was so cute!

So Nyssa and I are off this week! Yay! We would have loved to come back to IA but the retail Gods were not in our favor. I hate retail. There's no way in h-e-double hockey sticks that I'm doing that drive with just Nyssa! I think everyone understands that! It would be one thing if she was forward facing in her car seat and it was easier to reach her to bribe her, but not rear facing! Ugh. It really kind of sucks because we'd love to make it back. On Christmas we will get together with Chuck's family. I think we are doing it on the early side, so that'll be nice. (Last year we got them in the afternoon and good lord were they crabby. So this year we get them early and they get them later!) This is the first year that we aren't going to Chuck's Mom's for Christmas, we are going to his brother's house. It will be nice, but different. We are actually going to go to his Mom's on Christmas Eve and hang out with Sue. That will be awesome. The whole family shouldn't be there all at once, so we can maybe visit with Sue for a change!

Let's see...tomorrow Nyssa and I are going to Chicago to hang out with Teddy and Avery! We will be there Tuesday also. It's going to be interesting with 3 babies! Yikes! Nyssa is pretty easy going and will hang out in their exer-saucer, so that will be nice. I think Sara has one of those jump-a-roo things too. Nyss might need to test it out and see if it's something we will need to find! Chuck is off Tuesday so I think he may go with us then! That way I'll have a photographer to take the pictures while I'm propping babies! Of course there is bound to be a photo shoot!

Last night Chuck (he opened), Nyssa and I all headed downtown to babysit Piper! She's so big now and talking up a storm. Her little voice cracks me up. (I left Piper when I was about to have Nyssa.) Nyssa loves other kids. I am worried she is going to be incredibly bored while we are stuck here without other entertainment!!

I'll try to post some pictures from last weekend when we celebrated Julia & Jimmy's (her cousin) birthdays. The kids also decorated Ginger Bread houses. Julia was totally into it and was so giddy to have presents! Christmas should be fun! Cameron. Cam Da Man. In the car on the way to Chuck's brothers house I asked him, "Hey Cam. What does Santa say?" Julia pipes up, "He's just a baby Jacq, he can't say it." (Tell me the girl doesn't speak for him, maybe that's why we aren't at our 50 words for an almost 2 year old?? Hmmmm.) I said, "Sure he can, you just have to teach him how." So I asked him again, "Cam what does Santa say?" He gets this little troublemaker grin and says, "Moo." I love those kids!

I've got about 4 loads of laundry to get done today and the timer just went off. Good, fun, exciting times when it's below zero outside! If I'm not on here before Christmas we hope everyone has a wonderful day full of memories! (I'm seriously hoping to be back to post some pictures!)

Merry Christmas!

*I'm hoping to get our Christmas cards done today and out tomorrow!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

6 month check up

Okay, so technically she will be 6 months tomorrow! My big girl! We went today for the 6 month check up. She's doing awesome! She's ahead of the game as far and sitting getting on her hands and knees and rocking. Duh. (Keep in mind I nanny for our pediatrician so she sees Nyssa pretty regularly when her schedule allows! Our visits with her at the office aren't so long because she pretty much knows what's going on with Nyssa! Convenient, I know.) We get to start giving her Cheerios and stuff! Woo hoo! Susie also said that for the 3rd meal (whichever is convenient) we can start giving her a little of what we are eating -within reason of course. She's already had mashed potatoes, so we'd try a little noodle or something. That mushy kind of stuff. She got her shots, 4 I think. One was a flu shot (Mommy had to get that one too) and I forget the others. All I know is Nyssa was pissed when the 2nd started. At least since the first visit with shots Mommy has learned to dress Nyssa in dark clothes and it helps if Mommy wears a red shirt! I hate that cry so Mommy is quick to cuddle when they are finished!

We actually met Susie at her office this morning. She brought Zachary (who turned 5 yesterday :) along and we took him to school after. Nyssa seriously loves that boy. I think she stopped crying sooner because he was there lovin' on her. I think next fall will be hard on Nyssa when she has to watch Zach get on the school bus for Kindergarten!!

Her stats:

Weight = 16 lbs 8 oz (70 - 75%); Length = 25inches (25%-shorty!); Head Circumference = 43 50-75% I think she got Momma's big melon!)

She's been doing really well at night lately. Sunday and Monday nights we spent at the Shapiro's so they were kinda sucky. Especially Sunday. Monday Mommy put towels under the sheet in their pack n play because it was NOISY! I think that kept waking her up. She was back in her crib last night and did awesome. I have about 5 pacifiers in there and she's been finding them..finally. I think I'm going to ask Santa for more pacifier's for Nyssa. I'll put 20 in there if it will continue to go like this at night! Of course my child doesn't take just any ol' pacifier either, oh no...she's picky.

I think that's it for now! She's passed out in the laundry room at Zach's right now. She was due to eat at 1, but no way in hell am I going to wake her up at this point! She got some Tylenol too so I'm sure that's knocked her out. Hopefully she won't be very fussy!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Random Nyss Pics

Hanging in the kitchen with Mommy. I pointed the camera at her and she totally grinned. I love it.
Yes, Uncle Jeff...she cries.

She put the pluggie in by herself.

Little mohawk action during tubbie.
Nyssa's doing really well these days. She now likes to sleep on her tummy! The last two nights we haven't heard from her at all because she's been putting the pacifier in by herself! Woot woot! Mommy's been waiting for this to happen! I think we have about 6 of them in her crib, and Mommy's tempted to buy some more! Of course she doesn't like any ol' pacifier, she likes a particular one! At least she's not on the soothie pacifier any more!
The other thing the little butterball has been doing is getting up on her hands and knees and bouncing. Momma's not ready for that still. (I may have to edit this because I may have already blogged about it :) Now when she bounces she has figured out that she can lift her head up and look around..before she was always looking down just waiting to fall or something. It's incredibly cute but scares the bejeezus out of Mommy. If the kids' GOT to crawl, then at least wait until after Christmas so the tree is down!!
We go for her 6 month check up on Wednesday. I can't wait to see how big she has gotten!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving weekend photos!

Cousins: Reese's right arm and right side of his body, Jimmy, Nyssa is on Abby, Julia & Cameron. They decided to take turns holding Nyssa.
Another. Cameron's entertained by his feet...go figure!

Mommy & Nyss. I realized trying to find pics to put here that we didn't really take of Nyss just hanging out!
It was a good day though. A lot of fun and food had by all!

Nyssa News!

Miss Nyss had a great 1st Thanksgiving! She loved all the action going on at her Aunt's house! I believe all the families together have 6 children ages 6 and under (the 6 year old may be 7, I can't remember! Of course all the cousins (Julia and Cameron included) were running crazy all over and having a great time!

Also on the Nyssa front...we now like to get on our hands and knees and go back and forth. Yeah. Mommy's not too thrilled about this latest achievement! I know what's coming...crawling, being mobile, putting everything in the apartment up..you get what I mean! She's incredibly funny as she's rockin' away though. I usually just crack up laughing at her. She's also started this growling thing. Growling all the time. Happy. Sad. It doesn't matter, she growls and stiffens up like Frankenstein.

There will probably be some random pictures before you get to this post. I'm not quite sure what I'll be posting, but it's for some new one! We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

PS: Mommy has learned that asking Daddy to decorate the Christmas tree while the Bears are playing doesn't work so well!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm just here to drop a quick Happy Gobble to everyone! I'm off until Monday so I'm sure I'll be back with stories and photos from the holiday! Gobble Gobble Gobble!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I think my little buttercup is fighting a cold. She had a little runny nose the last couple of days. I was prepared for a rough night last night, but lucked out. I'm bracing myself for tonight just in case. Daddy started getting a cold last Friday and is still kinda stuffy. I'm hoping we avoid it as much as possible. Okay I hope I avoid it, since Nyssa is a little stuffy in the nose! Poor girl. She's still happy as can be though.

She's such a happy little girl. She stares you down just waiting for you to make eye contact then she'll bust out into this mega-grin. I love it.

We had the big kids last Friday night for an overnighter. They are so funny. Julia decided she can pick up Nyssa by herself. I about had a heart attack. She picked her up then back up a couple of steps to sit in her rocking chair. She looked at me and said, "I told you I could pick her up all by myself." Little stinker. I'll have to post some pictures from last weekend. I'll leave you with the best shot we got of all 3 of the monkeys. Cam's got her in a death grip. It cracks me up.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

5 months today!

She was flying and Chuck grabbed the camera! Such a genuine smile from her...spit up on her shirt and all!
Nyssa with Mommy's Baby Beans. She talked to it then grabbed for it really fast.

This cracks me up. She was playing with Daddy and I heard Daddy crackin' up. I come in to see what's going on (heaven forbid I miss any laughter coming out of her) and he puts the 'peel' from the banana in her mouth. He did it more than once and she kept on sucking! It would start to fall out and you'd see her head going down to try and keep it in her mouth!
It's hard to believe it's been 5 months already. 7 more months of formula!!! That and no more bottles are about the only thing I'm looking forward to with her growing (beside potty training). She rolls like crazy, talks up a storm and loves to see what's going on around her! We have started vegetables and cereal. She's had peas, carrots, green beans, squash and we just started sweet potatoes today. She loves to eat. As soon as you put her in the high chair she's yelling at you to start. She kinda gets angry when it's all gone. Then she gets a little bottle and it's all better. We'll be on to fruit next! She's my big girl now!! I still heart her a lot.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Roller Girl!

So, last weekend I was futzing around in her closet, trying to organize it a little. I had her on the floor between the changing dresser and futon. I peeked over my shoulder to look at her and couldn't find her! I saw the little hand sticking out from UNDER the futon. I ran and got the camera and snapped a couple of shots. This is the first one. She's got that kinda proud/I scared the crap outta myself grin going on.
A close up.

We laid on the blanket after the rolling and Mommy just started taking a lot of pictures!

I found this toy that Cameron played with last year. She thought it was the coolest thing once she realized it's not scary. The look on her face cracks me up.

I thought I'd see how she'd do in the high chair seat. (It's one of those you strap onto a chair. Apartment living leaves no room for an actual high chair.) She loved it!

Peas and other photos

First time with peas! She loved them, she gets that from Chuck.

This is my garage sale cover for her carseat. I could have cared less that it's blue, because it cost a whopping $1. I figure her carseat is pink, so it should confuse enough people.

This is after her tubbie. I like to give her a mohawk, because we can't quite do the roll on the top like Aunt Dorena used to do to Christina! I figure I should carry on the tradition, since Tayven might look a little silly with the curl!

This is Daddy's first time giving Nyssa cereal. I picked this picture because I caught him with his mouth open too! I'm not the only one!

Saturday, November 1, 2008


We had a wedding reception to go to on Halloween night. Our friends got married during the day with just family present then there was a big ol' costume party/reception that evening! It was great. Nyssa was a good sport. She was the lobster (I'll get more pictures of her in her costume up here another time), Chuck was the waiter and obviously I'm the table. She was a good sport in her costume. I forgot to take her pants off before putting her in there, she was sweating up a storm when I finally took them off to give her a bottle! The eye balls would go in her face so she's grab one and just chewing like crazy! It was pretty funny! We hope everyone had a great Halloween!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

1st time having cereal!

Above: this was at the end of feeding!

Above: during. She got kind of mad if I didn't put the spoon in fast enough! She was crabby to begin with, but it went well considering!

Above: I love her hands. Right after this shot, she grabbed the spoon as if to say, "don't take it away!"

Above: Ahh the Bears dress! This was the second picture Chuck took! It's definitely the best one got of the Bears photo shoot!

She's rolling over!

As of Thursday the 23rd, my little chunky monkey rolls over all the time! She did it once last week as a fluke. Thursday morning, I was in the kitchen at work and Nyssa was on the floor with Zachary he yells, "Jacq Nyss just rolled over!! All. By. Herself." Since then, when you lay her on the floor on her back, she's on her tummy. She is getting to the point yesterday and today that she then rolls from her tummy to her back!

I think it's time this Mommy gets used to vacuuming all the time to keep her from eating fuzzes off the floor!

She's doing really well, getting so big! She talks all the time and seems to have quite a few opinions as well (nothing like her Momma). I had no idea being a Mommy would be so cool!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

4 Month Doctor Visit

My little piglet went in for her 4 month visit today. She is 14 pounds 12 ounces (70-75%), 24 inches long (45%) and rounding off with a head circumference of 40 3/4 (40-45%)! That's my chunky monkey! The shots were brutal. She cried, Mommy almost cried. We didn't even bother putting her pants back on, just put her in her seat with her shirt. Momma wasn't going to screw with those stupid things after all that crying!

We get to start giving her cereal once or twice a day now! Daddy is off tomorrow, so we'll see what happens then! We could start her on a fruit or veggie too, but we are going to stick with the cereal and see what happens with that first! I'm sure pictures will be posted soon after!

On another note we went to the pumpkin patch (yes, our 3rd visit this season) yesterday. Only we got to go with Julia and Cameron and Danielle (the kids' Mommy). It was very cute and we actually got a nice picture of Chuck and I and the kids and then one with all of us and Danielle too! It was a nice day! The pumpkin patch wasn't very busy either, which always is a bonus! Tomorrow I'll try and post some pictures of that event also!

Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


rolled over today! Yay! She went from her back to her tummy! I was in the kitchen and work and Nyssa was on her play mat thingy watching Zach play with his cars and he yelled, "Jacq!! Nyssa rolled over!" Everyone gets excited that the Nyss has rolled over! She's been rolling from her tummy to back for quite a while, but this is huge, so exciting! Of course, she has yet to do it again! But we are on the right track!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The 3 Amigos

Seriously. Need we say more? Teddy needs to get used to being in the middle of those two! The poor boy doesn't have a chance!

Pumpkin Patch!

Teddy, Avery & Nyssa.

Nyssa, Teddy & Avery.

Nyss hanging out on Daddy's lap. He was just holding her legs steady, she was diggin' sitting up and watching everything!

Every year we have done this with Julia (we didn't think hold Cameron up there last year, duh) I love these pictures.

The full view of the Didier's sign.

We had a beautiful day at the Pumpkin Patch yesterday. It was great. The babies did awesome as well. It was nice having Chuck there, the ratio of baby to adult was even! It was such a great day! We are hoping to get the big kids there before the season is over!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Nyssa's First Play Date!

So my sassy little girl had her first play date Saturday afternoon! In the red stroller are my friend Sara's twins. Mr. Theodore Knut & Ms. Avery Beatrice! They were born July 13Th! They seem so much smaller than The Nyss. Probably because they are! They were about 4 weeks early, and doing excellent! Sara and I were laughing because we can see it already,the girls will be up to no good and Teddy will be rattin' them out!

Ms. Avery. She's such a little cutie. You should see the girl's hair!

Teddy guy! He's the true peanut. He's so little. He spent most of the time hanging out in the Baby Bjorn on me!

Sara called me Saturday before I took the kids back, and we decided to meet at an outdoor mall! They were all so cute together! Granted they don't do much, but it was still cute! Nyssa did great being the "Big Girl"! She didn't like it so much when Teddy started crying, that upset her a lot. I looked down and she was crying with him, ugh, it was cute!

The Big Kids Friday night and some feet shots!

I just like to give her kisses. She lets out a little giggle. Of course I'm diggin' in there and giving all kinds of smooches!

As long as she gets plugged she doesn't care how the passie looks.

We had the munchkins over night Friday night. This was the next morning. They are both hams!! I love it!!

My little buttercup found her feet Saturday night! She was in her seat most of the day (coming in the next post), as soon as I put her on the floor her feet went flying up!

This is what we like to call, "the one finger hold."

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just because...

I love her and feel like sharing.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Miss Nyss & 1 year ago on this date!

I'm not so sure that she's trying to get a cold now. She still hasn't gotten it full on. Once in a while it just kind of runs, but that's about it. Night time is still interesting. Last night from about 3 am on, she slept in her car seat. She slept quite well too. I bought some rice cereal to put in her last bottle tonight. Maybe the little thing thinks she is starving, who knows. Although she's arching her back and twisting all sorts of ways, according to Daddy. Hopefully the cereal will help her keep her milk down! I don't know what's up with Nyssa. Her moods seem fine during the day and evening.

It was a year ago today I took a pregnancy test. It was our first anniversary. During lunch Chuck had said, "Why don't we stop at the store and get a pregnancy test? Just to see. It might be funny." We did. I took the test. Looked at the two pink line's a couple of times (as in, put down the test and picked it back up, as if my eyes were playing tricks). I yelled from the bathroom, "Holy crap, Chuck! Come in here." My lovely husband in a kind of annoyed voice, "What? Why? Where are you?" I stood in the bathroom (keep in mind it's small, we live in a an apartment), I was over by the tub, with tears in my eyes pointing at the stick on the counter. He looked at me, I pointed again. He picked it up and I think I literally saw the light bulb go on over his head. Chuck, "Oh my God, you're pregnant." It was all over from there! Yay for Dollar store pregnancy tests (those sucker's add up if you buy them in grocery or other retailers. They all do the same thing.)! To think it all started as a joke, it was funny alright. For the record....there will be no peeing on a stick for me tonight!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

I think...

what we have happening is the start of her first cold. :( She sounded stuffy and just annoyed from 5 am to 8 am this morning. My poor girl. She never really woke up, she just would fuss and whine until I plugged her up again. At 8 I grabbed and put her on the futon next to me, it's easier to plug her this way. She slept until about 9. It's very pathetic when you the little nose start to run. This is not going to be fun. I'm thinking she may end up sleeping at night in her car seat! That way she will be elevated and sound so bad. I think I could put a blanket or something under one end of her crib mattress. That may work. She spins around so much in her crib now, I'm not sure how effective that would be. I think this is going to be a play it by ear kind of thing!

Last night Nyssa and I went to play games with Lori and her cousin's house. Nyssa was awesome. She had her bottle then sat up on my lap and watched all the happenings. She's so good.

Today we had a bridal shower for Dawn! She did really great there too! It got a little rowdy (you know...a bunch of women playing bridal gift BINGO, trying to get BINGO so you got a prize? Yup. It can get loud.) I swaddled her up after the shower and diaper change and she's out like a light.

(The picture is from Sept. 19th!!)